Don't expect perfection in the beginning. It takes a while to effectively learn how to silence your racing mind.
Focus on your breathing and nothing else.
Forget about yesterday and tomorrow, your past and your future. Live in "the now" and be mindful of nothing but your present experience.
You can meditate anywhere.
You can meditate whenever you have a few minutes of spare time.
Meditation does not necessarily mean closing your eyes. If this helps to minimize distractions, then do it, otherwise, it is not necessary.
Do what works best for you. Find a meditation practice that caters to your unique personality and situation.
Beginners should start with simple breathing meditations, focusing on your breath.
If you feel restless, try walking with mindfulness, also called walking meditation.
Focus softly, not intensely. Your mindful focus should be calm and soft in nature, not intense and overwhelming.
Forget about a "right or wrong" way of meditating. Get some good guidance or training, and get started.
You don't have to put your hands, or your body for that matter, in any specific position. Just get comfortable.
Incense, rugs and chanting are not required. If these and other objects or activities help your meditation practice, then use them. Otherwise, they are not necessary.
You do not have to belong to a specific religion or spiritual belief to benefit from meditation.
Never meditate on a full stomach, or while you are extremely hungry.
When your racing mind chatter distracts you, recognize it for what it is, then return your focus on your meditation.
If meditating while seated, don't sit longer than is physically comfortable for you.
Guided meditation can be a great way to start, to help you practice properly and receive the most benefits.
Reduce the number of distractions in your meditation environment.
Remember the "why" of your meditation. Why are you meditating? What results or benefits are you seeking? Remember this motivation.
Seek like-minded individuals. There are countless communities online and off where you can share your mindful meditation experience, helping as well as being helped by others.
If you don't see changes right away, stick with it.
Turn your meditation into a lifestyle and a daily practice, rather than something you mark down on your calendar that you "have to do".
Do not judge, just experience.
There is no winning or losing in meditation, there is just meditating.
Spend more time in nature, enjoying meditation sessions in natural environments whenever possible.