5 Stress Relief Techniques to Help Avoid Emotional Eating

Stress is tightly linked to overeating.

While, in the short-term, stress can actually cause you to lose your appetite, prolonged stress will lead to the release of cortisol within your system that will greatly increase your appetite and lead to increased motivation...including an increased motivation to eat.

This hormone can completely throw your diet for a loop, and that's why managing stress is often the best way to get to the root of your overeating problem.

Here are five techniques to help you do it.

1. Create A Schedule

Being able to manage your time better, plan ahead, and know what's coming are all important to managing and reducing your stress.

Creating a schedule with a day planner and sticking to it, then reviewing it periodically, is the simple secret to feeling like you have control over your days again.

2. Learn To Say No

Do you have a lot on your plate? Learning to say no to new projects is important to prevent overwhelm.

When you stretch yourself too thin for too long, you're just going to end up anxious and overwhelmed.

Instead of feeling pressured to take on things that you can't handle, look at your schedule and decide if you can do it or not--and when.

3. Boost Your Productivity

When it comes time to work, you can lower your stress by using any number of productivity-boosting tactics.

The Pomodoro method, for instance, uses a timer to help you break a long list of to-dos up into short 25 minute work increments.

Each stretch is separated by a brief 5 minutes break, and then you get one longer break to enjoy after you've worked for a few sessions.

 4. Practice Breathing

Learning how to breathe can help you get through a whole host of situations without becoming overwhelmed.

Practice breathing methods to improve your mindfulness and keep you centered and focused in the moment when it matters.

 5. Get Help

Are you overworked? Burning the candle at both ends won't get you very far for too long.

Instead of thinking that you are alone in dealing with your stress, think about the resources you have to lighten your load and get assistance, like asking for a deadline extension.
