4 Reasons Why Fad Diets Don't Work

1. Your metabolism alters

Often called 'starvation mode', going on a fad diet and restricting yourself from eating the right amount of calories can cause damage to your body.

This is due to the fact that when you suddenly restrict your calorie intake severely, your body believes it is being starved and alters your metabolism accordingly.

Rather than working faster to burn more fuel, which is what you need in order to lose the extra pounds, it will slow down to preserve the food it is being given and also any excess fat.

2. You will lose water weight

Women go on fad diets for a week or two and are thrilled to discover they've lost 10 pounds by the end of it when they step on the scale.

However, 10 pounds doesn't always mean 10 pounds in fat. When you diet, your body starts getting rid of protein and water first before tapping into the fat reserves that it's trying to hold onto.

3. You will lose muscle

The number on the scale might be lower, but will you actually look or feel any thinner?

As well as water weight, you could find yourself losing muscle mass, which is something you definitely don't want to get rid of.

Having more muscle enables you to burn more calories while resting, and it also helps your body to look more toned and healthy.

4. Your body might be deprived of nutrients

You'll almost certainly become lighter, but you won't necessarily become healthier.

Your body needs a certain amount of calories per day just to survive in a healthy manner, and this amount will depend on your weight, height, gender, and level of exercise you do.

If you restrict yourself to 1000-1200 calories per day (which is what most women on crash diets do), you'll lose out on essential vitamins and nutrients that your body needs to survive and the opportunity to maximize your health.
