4 Ways to Set Personal Boundaries

What are personal boundaries?

They are the limits that you set with others, they indicate what behaviors are acceptable or unacceptable.

Knowing your boundaries is the first step to unlocking your self-worth. Self-worth is not the same as self-esteem, the former is about finding your intrinsic value.

Knowing this can increase your awareness of your boundaries in line with your spiritual worth, intellectual worth, physical worth, social worth, and emotional worth.

Know this – you are entitled to believe as you wish, so is everyone else.

You are entitled to think your thoughts and own your opinions. You are entitled to your personal space.

You are entitled to have your own friends and enjoy social activities. You are entitled to your emotions and feelings in any situation.

There is a distinct difference between knowing those boundaries and actively setting them. The latter is not always easy and it is a learned skill.

It can be incredibly difficult for anyone who grew up in a home where there were no boundaries. Additionally, you may have high self-esteem, yet still, have low self-worth.

4 Ways to Set Your Boundaries

1. Know Your Limit

You should clearly define your limits with your romantic partner, family members, friends, colleagues, and even strangers.

You can identify your limits by thinking about the experiences you have been through in the past that left you angry, frustrated or uncomfortable.

It may be helpful to create a chart that outlines your boundaries for each type of relationship in your life.

2. Assertiveness

So, you know your limits and you've stated your boundaries, but what next?

You have to follow through.

So, if someone crosses your personal boundaries you have to assert yourself. This can be scary for anyone who isn't accustomed to doing so. There are ways you can build your skill, though, and in easy ways.

For example, if you were overcharged in the store, point it out. If a waitress didn't get your order right, don't be afraid to point it out and get what you ordered. Tell people when they're pushing you beyond your comfort zone in personal discussions.

3. Practice

When you start practicing assertiveness you may worry that you are coming off as rude. However, you are simply affirming the boundaries that you have set.

It is about being honest with others and standing up for yourself. If you don't tell someone that something makes you uncomfortable then how will they know to correct their behavior?

4. Prepare To Ignore

Don't be afraid to ignore someone who is actively crossing your boundaries after you have set them and asserted yourself.

This is an act of self-care and shows you value yourself
