Mindful Eating: Healthy Food List

☐ Avoid –Sugar

Sugar is a health destroyer and should be avoided. Look for foods that list sugar as an ingredient, and avoid them.

Understand that food manufacturers list sugar under many ingredients that end in the suffix -ose, and this is just an underhanded way of trying to hide the presence of sugar.

Replace sugar with – Natural Sweeteners

There are naturally healthy sugars and other sweeteners in nature. Fruits contain healthy sugars, and they are accompanied by dietary fiber, minerals, and nutrients your body needs.

You may also replace refined sugar with crushed Stevia leaves, but avoid Stevia that comes in crystallized form, since there are often unhealthy additives present. Raw, organic honey is another natural sweetener.

Avoid – Salt

Salt is not bad in and of itself. Your body actually needs salt. However, processed foods make it almost a guarantee that you are getting way too much salt to be healthy.

Replace salt with – Natural Herbs

Any natural herb, such as oregano, basil, rosemary, and others, provides healthy flavor. They have zero calories and zero carbs, and zero chance of jacking up your salt content to an unhealthy level.

Avoid – Energy drinks, sodas, and retail fruit juices.

Aside from usually having criminally high levels of sugar, canned or bottled fruit juices, sodas, and energy drinks contain artificial colorings and other additives and toxins that are extremely bad for you.

Replace with – Coconut Water

Green tea, other herbal teas, water, and coconut water are healthy alternatives to sugar-filled, store-bought beverages. You can also make flavorful, nutritious juices and smoothies.

Just make sure the fruits and vegetables you use have not been frozen in a solution with sugar, salt, and other harmful ingredients.

Avoid – Dairy milk

Dairy milk has been found to weaken bones rather than strengthen them and has been linked to higher than normal rates of cancer and heart disease.

Replace dairy milk with – Coconut milk

Coconut milk and almond milk are healthy alternatives to dairy milk. In many cases, they deliver more vitamin D than dairy milk and contain other nutrients your body requires.

Read your food labels, and avoid any coconut or almond milk with added sugar.

Avoid – Highly processed foods

Highly processed foods and fast food, those that you usually purchase in a bag, can, box or wrapper, are almost never good for you.

Replace processed foods with – Plant-Based Foods

Eat predominantly fresh plant-based foods, fruits, nuts, berries, and vegetables. Eat them raw whenever you can, as close to their natural state as possible.

This way you get nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, instead of man-made chemicals toxins and poisons.

Avoid – White Rice/White Flour

Simple grains and simple carbohydrates like white flour, pasta, and white rice. These foods have little to no nutrition, and your body converts them and stores them as fat.

Replace with – Whole Grains,

Foods like quinoa, barley, buckwheat, and brown rice.

You will also find that the healthy and versatile cauliflower can replace rice when ground down to a similar consistency, and cauliflower can also be used in place of potatoes in a lot of meals.
