5 Simple Ways to Stick to Eating Healthy

1. Don't see it as a diet

It's a common saying, but you need to see it as a new healthy way of eating and a new lifestyle rather than a diet.

The word 'diet' can make us feel like we're restraining ourselves from enjoying food and having to sacrifice lots of things that we want. 

When you change your attitude towards it, you'll be able to stick to it for a longer period of time without feeling like you're "on a diet".

2. Share your progress

If you keep it a secret and don't discuss it with anybody, it's easy to give in or have cheat days here and there. 

Whether it's discussing it with your friends and family or posting on Facebook about how much you've lost or a new recipe you've tried this week, sharing your progress can actually help motivate you to accomplish your goals and help keep you going.

3. Set smaller targets

Giving yourself one big target can make it seem impossible to reach. 

If you need to lose 50 pounds, break it down into smaller goals. Start off by attempting to lose 10 pounds over the next 2-3 months. 

When you hit that target, you'll already have that feeling of achievement, and you can work towards losing the next 10 pounds.

4. Try new foods

Healthy eating plans can get boring when you don't mix it up a little bit and try new things. 

Check out some easy recipes online. You'll definitely be able to discover new recipes and different ways of cooking that will spice up your meals.

5. Take pictures

Progress pictures are one of the best ways to help yourself stay on track. 

Seeing the number on the scale change can be motivating, but seeing yourself before and after serves as a personal reminder of how far you’ve come.
