6 Addictive Foods To Avoid if You're Trying to Eat Healthy

There are certain foods which are unhealthy, yet very addictive - these are normally the foods containing high levels of white carbohydrates and foods containing sugar.

Here are some of the most addictive foods you should try to avoid if you’re trying to eat healthy.

1. Pizza

There are several things about pizza that make it so addictive. The first factor is the high cheese content - cheese is a food which is considered by some health professionals to be as addictive as drugs. 

The second is the fact it is so filling and often covered with a variety of foods, making it so pleasing to various parts of our taste buds.

2. Chocolate

We often reach for chocolate when we're having a sugar rush or a craving, and the high sugar content in milk chocolate is the reason it is so addictive. It curbs our cravings when we need it, but dark chocolate is a much healthier alternative.

3. Soda

Soda is useless. There are no nutritionally beneficial components in soft drinks. Diet soda has less calories than regular soda, but the sweetener makes it even worse for our bodies than the sugar found in regular soda. 

The poison in diet soda is an artificial sweetener aspartame. Aspartame is made up of three chemicals: aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and methanol. It is used because it's about 200 times sweeter than table sugar (emedexpert.com).

4. Fast Food

There is sugar in almost everything fast food chains make, from the burgers to the sauces to the ice cream. 

Since sugar is one of the most addictive substances we know, it's no surprise that so many crave fast food on a regular basis. 

However, foods from fast food chains are full of bad ingredients that has no nutritional value.

5. Bread and Other Carbs

It's difficult to think about having an addiction to bread, but it's true that our bodies start craving carbs the more we eat them. 

Cutting starchy carbs out of your diet will help you to crave them less, and it will help to cut down the amount of calories you eat and make you feel less bloated.

6. Cheese

Considered one of the most addictive foods, cheese isn't necessarily bad for you when consumed in moderate quantities. 

Cheese, when consumed in larger quantities or too regularly, can cause stomach pains, constipation and weight gain.

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