6 Tips to Resist Junk Food Cravings

For some women, the temptation to eat junk food is something that occurs on a regular basis, whether it's looking at junk food commercials, passing your favorite restaurant, or watching your friends order a high-calorie meal.

Thankfully, there are some things you can do in order to not only resist the temptation but reduce it all together so you no longer have to feel tempted by it.

1. Don't buy junk food

 If it's in the refrigerator or the pantry, the temptation to eat it is already much higher. When you go shopping for food, avoid buying junk food.

Eat a meal before you go food shopping so that you don't feel hungry during your trip. If you're hungry, you're much more likely to buy unhealthy foods that you'll regret later.

2. Ask your friends to help you

This is particularly important if you regularly eat out with your friends. Let them know that you're trying to eat healthier, and ask them not to tempt you with junk food.

People tend to eat worse when they're with other people and everybody else is choosing unhealthy options.

3. Eat less junk food

 The initial first stages are difficult to get through, but the less junk food you eat, the less your body will crave it.

Soon, you'll be looking at junk food and feeling disgusted at the thought of putting it into your body.

4. Research the ingredients

 When you start finding out what's inside some of the unhealthiest foods on the market, you won't even want to eat it, no matter how good it tastes.

Watch videos of how food from fast-food chains are made, and it'll open your eyes to the danger of junk food.

5Choose healthier options

Avoiding junk food doesn't mean you have to miss out on everything.

You can still meet your friends for coffee, but order a skinny latte or green tea instead of the usual calorie-filled frappe or milky drink.

When you meet at a restaurant, order a salad or light version of your usual favorites.

6. Allow yourself treats in small quantities

Let yourself have a small amount of what you're craving since this will help you to stay on track more easily.

You don't have to completely restrict yourself from junk food since the feeling of not being allowed something can often make us want it even more.
